Racion Global Offers Services in Logistics, E-Commerce, Publishing and more.
How do We Support the E-Commerce Companies?
In the internet era customers are given a wide range of choice to decide. E-commerce websites should
sell high quality products at a cheaper price compared to their competitors and deliver the product as
quick as possible and to offer professional customer support functions. A successful E-commerce
website should have all the ingredients mentioned above to be successful.
E-commerce websites needs to employ and invest on back end staff to make the sales process smooth
for their customers. It demands high cost and not many companies are affording to do it.
Here is the solution, we at Racion Global BPO Company handle all your back end support functionalities
clubbed with customer support to reduce your cost and make your business profitable in the price
driven business.
We offer the following services to our E-commerce clients.
Inbound Customer Support
Dropped Customers Call Back
Email / Chat Support
Outbound to Confirm Order with COD Customers.
Co-ordination with Courier & Ware House Companies.
How do We Support Logistics Companies?
We support Logistics companies with solution with a cheaper price compared to their competitors and
deliver the product as quick as possible, facilitate better delivery models and enhanced methodology.
Our 24×7 service helps retain valuable customers. With the rising popularity globally, trade has made
logistics a key player in the supply chain management.
We handle all your back end support functionalities clubbed with customer support to reduce your cost
and make your business profitable in the price driven business.
Tracking and Tracing
Customer support Services
Logistics Data Entry
Invoice Processing
Purchase Order entries
Bill Generation and Auditing
Account Payable & Receivable.
We offer the following services to our Logistics clients.